Editable AFL resource
Useful to gauge an idea of the children’s understanding
Print out, laminate and split pin
Traffic lights reflect children’s understanding
Subject specific and general praise cards
Praise home to parents is so important and these cards are easy to edit, print off and laminate as necessary.
Brain break card
Mindfulness activities/ end of day
Can be used as a quick break from learning to refresh the children before moving onto the next lesson.
Personally, I printed and laminated the cards then attached them to a lollypop stick!
Conversation cards to encourage children to talk about diversity.
Useful as part of PSHE or a general wellbeing or introduction activity for new pupils
To promote positivity and looking after our mental wellbeing, I have a happiness jar in my classroom. The children write down something which has made them happy this week. At the end of the week, as a class we read what everyone has written down and what they have enjoyed.
Cards can be laminated and placed on children’s work whether this is a lego project, painting, story writing or maths questions. This makes it clear that they are carrying on and can be placed on books/ work you think the children need to carry on with.
Table group names perfect for any classroom
Brain Boxes
Master Minds
Super Stars
Genius Gems
Whizz Kids
Bright Sparks
Tolsby Frame name poster
Larger box name